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Open Tests

A Opens B

A1. Opening AppApp A calls a function (see below) to open a second app, B
A2. Check MetadataEnsure that the correct app was opened
  • AOpensB3: A uses an AppMetadata or AppIdentifier to open B, via:
  • AOpensB4: A uses an AppIdentifier to open B and retrieves an updated AppIdentifier with an instanceId set via const instanceIdentifier = await{appId:"<app-B-ID>"}). Ensure that the appId matches that requested and that an instanceId property has been set.

A Fails To Open Another App

A1. Opening AppApp A calls a function (see below) to try and open a non-existent app
A2. Check Error returns a promise that rejects with an Error with the message "App Not Found"
  • AFailsToOpenB3: A uses an AppMetadata or AppIdentifier to open B, via:

A Opens B With Context

A1. Opening AppApp A opens app B with an fdc3.instrument Context Object by calling a function (see below)
B2. Receive ContextAdd an untyped context listener via:
B receives an fdc3.instrument Context Object matching that passed to the call made by A
  • AOpensBWithContext3: A uses an AppMetadata or AppIdentifier to open B, via:
    •{appId:"<app-B-ID>"}, <fdc3.instrument context>)
  • AOpensBWithSpecificContext: Perform AOpensBWithContext3 but replace Bs call with fdc3.addContextListener("fdc3.instrument",handler)
  • AOpensBMultipleListen: Perform AOpensBWithSpecificContext but B should perform an additional fdc3.addContextListener("",handler) prior to the existing addContextListener for fdc3.instrument. The correct context listener should receive the context, and the promise completes successfully.
  • AOpensBWithWrongContext: Perform AOpensBWithSpecificContext but B should add a context listener for the wrong context type (e.g. fdc3.dummyType) instead of the expected type in step 2.
    • Confirm that NO context is received.
    • The promise returned to A by rejects with an Error with message AppTimeout